
By: 天网科技美国有限责任公司
8 mins

你知道数字商业成功的秘诀吗? 是的,你猜对了! 这是对紧跟数字技术潮流的渴望. The relay baton stays with an enterprise that harnesses new platforms and upgrades the existing ones from time to time. 和其他数字产品一样, a Magento website requires updating to the most recent version whenever the company rolls out something new. In other words, you need to migrate Magento to fetch the latest platform offerings for your eCommerce website.

有听起来那么简单吗? Unfortunately, nope! Magento migration involves shifting crucial configurations, data, and much more collectively. 而且,一个小错误会极大地影响你的网站. 所以,你需要一个专业人士 Magento迁移公司 无缝地进行所有流程. However, choosing a suitable agency for your purpose can be challenging. Not anymore! Here are the top ways to select the best Magento migration service partner for your websites in the blink of an eye. Keep reading!


Magento需要迁移和更新. Okay, but why? 什么是需要高档Magento从一个版本到另一个? 在往下讲之前,让我们先澄清一下这个概念!

  • 获得更高的安全性

    每次发布新版本时,Magento都会改进安全方面的内容. 我们都知道近年来网络犯罪的大规模增长. Protecting your timeworn Magento website from the latest attacks can be a headache. So, upgrading to the latest Magento version becomes a necessity from a security perspective.

  • 更多的功能,引人入胜的网站

    谁不想要一个功能丰富的Magento网站! 当然不是那些过时的. You need to pick next-gen functionalities for your website to create impressive experiences for users. Thanks to the latest Magento that lets you do all these with a modern suite of features.

  • 为移动设备设计的方法

    你想错过吗 54% of shoppers 谁通过智能手机访问你的商店? 如果答案是否定的,那么一个适合移动设备的网站是唯一的选择! Luckily, you can encounter more mobile-oriented features in the latest Magento versions. 这是支持移民的另一个原因!

  • 介绍无障碍结账!

    你是否正在运行一个没有无缝结帐的Magento网络商店? How bizarre! You require making efforts to simplify payment and associated policies to popularize your venture among the customers. You can get improved payment features when migrating the earlier Magento store to the latest platform.

Besides the above, more points support updating Magento versions at the earliest. Let’s head over to selecting the perfect migration service partner if you feel convinced enough.


Magento是一项有风险的工作,需要专家进行迁移. 但你怎么能相信一个没有证据的机构? More precisely, what’s the guarantee that a company will conduct the migration without any risks? Perhaps, it’s better to roll your sleeves and verify their skills in the following ways.

  • 他们会说Magento吗?

    该机构必须对Magento有很高的专业知识. Ask the company to introduce you to their Magento migration department, 在哪里你可以衡量他们对Magento的熟悉程度. Remember that you will get more flawless service from a knowledgeable Magento developer.

  • 寻求Magento迁移经验

    A novice team having no Magento migration experience can be lethal to your campaign. So, always look for experts boasting demonstrated experience in updating Magento versions in the past. 这时你的项目才会交到合适的人手里!

  • 强大的支持服务占上风

    Say you chose a Magento迁移公司, and the project went well. 如果迁移后出现全新的问题怎么办? 您必须立即冲向您的迁移伙伴. 如果该机构关门,可能会引起严重的麻烦. So, you require understanding their support policy before finalizing a migration team for your purpose.

  • 投资组合更有说服力

    You require peeping into their portfolio before hiring a Magento migration team. A higher count of successful projects indicates more credibility with the company. 因此,核实机构的投资组合确实是一种健康的习惯!

  • 交货时间是多长?

    Migration is essential, and so, the need to make your website up and running at the earliest. Ask your partner to establish the delivery timeline clearly before diving into the project. Finally, go with a company taking the least time and offering premium services simultaneously.

  • 讨论成本估算

    Hidden expenses and extra charges can ruin your overall experience with a Magento迁移公司. So, be well-acquainted with the cost estimate for your Magento updating project. Ask them to provide a hard copy of the cost breakdown if possible, to avoid post-delivery disputes.

  • 他们提供相关的Magento服务吗?

    Most of the time, a customer requires more services after successful Magento migration. Things will get easier for you if the migration partner offers those facilities as well. So, verify their comprehensive offerings before handing your migration project to the company.

So, these were the points to consider when selecting a Magento migration partner for your project. 现在让我们转到另一个相关问题!


Now, you might be worrying if such a flawless and perfect agency exists. Luckily, it’s a yes! Top Magento migration service companies like Skynet Technologies provide standard offerings to ease your concern effortlessly. Our experienced and proficient team carries your migration project successfully without causing any glitches and blunders. Besides having several successful Magento migration projects in our portfolio, we excel at other related services to uplift your business holistically. Indeed, our team is your go-to destination when considering a Magento migration campaign.

Magento migration is a piece of cake if you have the right partner with you. You need to invest more time and resources when choosing a desirable firm to migrate your Magento products. So, consider the above points and filter out the best firm for yourself. Your website performance depends on the efficiency of the Magento迁移公司. 那么,是什么让你等呢? Work on the above tips and pick the best organization to update Magento in the right way.

At Skynet Technologies, we have years of proven experience and expertise in Magento电子商务开发. 拥有正确的过渡计划和专业的开发人员, we facilitate a seamless migration from any platform to the latest and secured version of Magento 2.x. Contact us 如果您正在寻找Magento迁移服务.